Water production in wells can diminish due to weather conditions and changing geological factors in the well. Shallow wells sometimes do go dry

Well depth does not dictate water quality. Quantity may be affected by depth. If water is not found, deeper drilling can successfully increase yield.

Witching or dowsing, is an alleged way to locate water hidden underground. This method is based on folklore rather than science. Our company uses the proven technology of a certified geologist to locate groundwater on your property 

Lot size and location of property lines, building foundations, and septics all determine where to drill.

For our clients who are building new homes, we recommend drilling the well in the initial stage of construction. Wells should be given priority because quantity, quality, and well cost are unknown until the well is drilled.

Water tables and groundwater quantity vary widely from place to place, even from property to neighboring property.

Give us a call and one of our technicians will walk you through chlorinating your well step by step. We can also chlorinate your well for you, simply call and ask to
be placed on our schedule

No, your local health department can test your water for you. Morgan Well Drilling does tests for mineral content in your water, and we install filtration to remedy mineral problems. This testing is done onsite.

We have numerous filtration options for sediment. Give us a call for testing.

Overgrowth of vegetation can sometimes hide wells. We will come and do a thorough investigation of your property to locate your well